Comprehensive, Accurate, & Targeted Mailing Lists
The decisions you make regarding the criteria for selecting your list will dramatically affect the overall success of your entire marketing campaign. Using the right mailing list to the right target audience can result in a highly profitable Direct Mail Campaign. Today’s sophisticated demographic management techniques allow you to profile and target prospects in broad geographic and lifestyle bands. DML Solutions provides only the highest quality and most comprehensive mailing lists the direct mail industry has to offer.

DML Solutions is ready to help you meet your unique goals & challenges
Our consumer lists are made up of more than 120,000,000 households and more than 200,000,000 individuals. These lists are compiled and updated monthly from numerous sources. DML Solutions is committed to quality and providing our customers with the best data the compiled list industry has to offer. You want your direct marketing campaign to work, to generate the right leads, traffic and sell-through? Call today and put our knowledge to work for you... 630-513-1385.
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Household Level
- Active Consumers
- Address Type
- Affluence (income producing assets)
- Affluence (net worth)
- Age
- Area Code
- Auto (make, model, year, # of cylinders)
- Auto Body Style
- Auto Price Class
- Auto Purchased in Model Year
- Bankcard Holder
- Bankruptcy/Financial Difficulty
- Birth Date
- Brides To Be
- Cat Owner
- College Students
- Dog Owner
- Driving Restrictions
- Dwelling Unit Size
- Education Level Completed
- Ethnic/Multicultural
- Expectant Mothers
- Family Member Relationship
- Farmers
- Gender
- Grandparent in Household
- Handicapped/Disabled
- Head of Household
- Head of Household’s Spouse
- Health Contributors
- High School Students
- Hispanic Surnames
- Home Value
- Homeowners
- Household Income
- Impairments (eye wear/hearing aid)
- Individual’s Height
- Individual’s Weight
- Interest in Stocks & Bonds
- Length of Residence
- Luxury Auto Owners
- Magazine Subscribers
- Mail Order Buyers
- Marital Status
- Market Value of Vehicle
- Motorcycle Owners
- Multi Car Owners
- Neighborhood Statistics
- New Births
- New Construction
- New Homeowners
- New Movers
- Number of Family Members
- Occupation
- Opportunity Seekers
- Owners/Renters
- Political Contributors
- Potential Investors
- Presence of Children
- Presence of Second Phone Line
- Presence of Teenagers
- Prizm Codes
- Purchasing Power
- Recreational Vehicle Owners
- Registered Voters
- Religion
- Religious Contributors
- Seniors
- Stock/Bond Owners
- Teachers
- Telephone Numbers
- Travel & Entertainment card holders
- Truck Owners
- VCR Owner
- Young Adult Living With Parents
Consumer Lifestyle
- Allergies
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Angine/Heart Disease
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Back Pain
- Bladder Control
- Diabetes
- Eczema
- Emphysema
- Enlarged Prostate
- Epilepsy
- Frequent Headaches
- Frequent Heartburn
- Gastritis
- Gingivitis
- Hearing Difficulty
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Insomnia
- Lactose Intolerance
- Migraines
- Motion Sickness
- Osteoporosis
- Parkinson's Disease
- Physical Handicap
- Psoriasis
- Sensitive Skin
- Sinusitis
- Thinning/Balding
- Ulcer
- Visual Impairment
- Yeast Infections
Consumer Products/Usage
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Antacid
- Bagels
- Beer
- Bottled Water
- Coffee
- Cold/Allergy Medicine
- Credit Cards
- Diarrhea Medication
- Diet Light Foods
- Dog/Cat Products
- Electronics
- Eye Wear
- Fast Food
- Food
- Frozen Foods
- Household Products
- Insurance
- Laundry Detergent
- Long Distance Carrier
- Mayonnaise
- Mouthwash
- Nasal Spray
- Pain Reliever
- Personal Care Products
- Sleeping Aids
- Smoker/Brand
- Soft Drinks
- Toothpaste
- Vitamins
- Boating
- Books
- Camping
- Collect Arts/Antiques
- Collect Sports Cards
- Collect Stamps/Coins
- Cooking
- Crafts
- Dieting
- Dining
- Fishing
- Fitness
- Gambling
- Gardening
- Golf
- Green Thumb
- Health
- Hunting
- Music
- Nature
- Outdoors
- Performing Arts
- Photography
- Quilting/Sewing
- Reading Material
- Sports
- Travel
- Wine
- Woodworking
- Cable Service
- Diet Control Methods
- Dress Size
- Environmental Concerns
- Exercise
- Federal Employy
- Female Occupation
- Frequent Business Flyer
- Grandchildren
- Have Swimming Pool
- Mail Order Buyer
- Male Occupation
- Military
- On-Line Services
- Personal Computer
- Pet Information
- Use Apple/Macintosh PC
- Use Coupons
- Use IBM PC
- Work From Home
- Annuities
- Certificate of Deposit
- Estate Planning
- Financial Planning
- Mutual Funds
- Real Estate
- Securities
- Stocks/Bonds
- Tax Frees
- Affluent/Fundraising
- Animal Welfare
- Broadcasting
- Child Welfare
- Children's Causes
- Conservative Political
- Cultural/Arts
- Environmental
- Financial
- General
- Healthcare
- Humanitarian
- Law Enforcement
- Liberal Political
- Other Contributers/Donors
- Political
- Religious
- Welfare/Humanitarian
- Wildlife/Animals
- Veteran Causes
Ethnic Group and Religion
When you select by Religious Affiliation or Ethnic Group, you will be choosing one of the most accurate lists of its kind available anywhere. We can make this claim since the religious affiliation and ethnic background of the individuals on this file are self-declared and not inferred by surname.
Multicultural Households
Comprised of multicultural individuals whose primary language has been verified through consumer contact, telemarketing & surveys. Selectable by Language spoken, gender, age, head of household, and household income.
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Cantonese
- Dutch
- French
- Greek
- Hindi
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Mandarin
- Philippines-Tagalog
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- For others, inquire
Ethnic Families:
- 3,000,000 Individual
- 2,000,000 Families
- 1,297,000 African American
- 302,000 Native American
- 999,000 Hispanic / Latino
- 406,000 Asian
- Compiled from questionnaire respondents
- Selectable by ethnic group, gender, age, head of household, household income
Religious Affiliation:
- 8,000,000 Households
- 23 different religious denominations
- Compiled from questionnaire respondents
- Selectable by Denomination, gender, age, head of household, household income
New Movers Database
Every year, nearly one in five Americans changes residence. New Movers are eager to establish relationships with a wide range of local businesses. Reach out to this diverse, yet highly responsive market, with a New Mover Database.
Sources of Data
- Creditors
- Department of Motor Vehicles
- Magazine Subscription
- Mortgage Date
- Public Information Record
- Title Deed Registration
- Distance Moved (miles)
- Move Date by Month
- Not Moved Within Same Zip
- Previous Dwelling Unit Type
Demographic Selections
- Age
- Gender
- Geographic Region
- Income
- Married
- Presence of Children
Affluence Model
For precision targeting of the Affluent Household.
What Is The Affluence Model?
The Affluence Model was built by combing exact consumer finance information, including data on assets, liabilities, real estate values, financial holdings, business equity, attitudes/consumption and occupational characteristics with household level demographic information.
What The Affluence Model Can Do For You
The Affluence model allows you to precisely identify the truly affluent American consumer. For example, you can reach individuals who have large stock holdings and are able to live comfortably on interest, with little or no earned income; or seniors with high valued real estate and financial assets, who have ceased to receive a regular paycheck; or people with large amounts of business equity, land and other valuable assets, with little earned income.
The Affluence model allows you to develop marketing programs that are tailored to the different segments of affluent America.
The Affluence Model allows you to enhance your database file by appending it with all 20 net worth ranges.
A Proven Predictor of Wealth
The accuracy of the Affluence Model has been validated by working closely with financial services, marketers, retailers, catalogers and fundraisers.
- Compiled from numerous direct response sources
- Selectable by age, birth date, gender, head of household, household income
Elementary / Junior High
- Kindergarten through 8th grade
- Compiled from numerous direct response sources
- Selectable by age, birth date, gender, head of household, household income
Teenage Lifestyle Interests
- Compiled from unique self-reported data
- Full name of individuals between the ages of 14-19
- Selectable by age, birth date, gender, head of household, household income
- Sports Activities
- Scholastic Activities
- Career Interests
- Ethnicity
- Religious
- Affiliation
- Computer Users
High School Students
- Compiled from unique proprietary sources, public records data, direct response sources.
- Selectable by Class year, age, gender, parent education level, head of household, household income, computer owners
College Students
- Compiled from educational sources
- Selectable by Class year, field of study, college attended, home address, school address, tuition level, competitive rank, gender, head of household
College Bound H.S. Students
- 3,000,000 Students
- Compiled from direct response sources
- Selectable by Gender, parent education level, head of household, household income.

• Looking to generate new leads • What geographic area should you target • What types of businesses are your best customers • Who is the decision maker you want to reach • Are you doing any Telemarketing
We can analyze your customers and find their common characteristics to determine your target market.
Over 10 Million Businesses
DML Solutions is committed to providing the highest quality and most comprehensive business data available in the industry. The data is telephone verified on a daily basis to ensure the entire list is completely updated at least once a year.
This data is compiled from multiple sources:
• Telephone Directories • Telephone Verification • Annual Reports • Government Directories • Business Magazines • Business Journals • Stock Exchange Reports • Secretary of State Data • New Business Registration & Incorporations • NCOA processing through USPS
SIC Subcategories
01 Agricultrual Production - Crops
02 Agricultural Production - Livestock
07 Agricultural Services
08 Forestry
09 Fishing, Hunting & Trapping
10 Metal Mining
12 Coal Mining
13 Oil, Gas Extraction's
14 Nonmetallic Minerals - Mining & Quarrying
15 General Building Contractors
16 Heavy Construction Except Building
17 Construction - Special Trade Contractors
20 Good, Kindred Products Mfrs.
21 Tobacco Manufacturers
22 Textile Mill Products Mfrs.
23 Apparel, Related Products Mfrs.
24 Lumber, Wood Products Mfrs.
25 Furniture, Fixtures Mfrs.
26 Paper, Allied Products Mfrs.
27 Printing, Publishing & Allied Industries
28 Chemicals & Allied Products Mfrs.
30 Rubber and Plastics Mfrs.
31 Leather & Leather Products Mfrs.
32 Stone, Clay, Glass & Concrete Products
33 Primary Metal Industries Mfrs.
34 Fabricated Metal Products Mfrs.
35 Industrial & Commercial Machinery Mfrs.
36 Electrical Equipment Mfrs.
37 Transportation Equipment Mfrs.
38 Measuring & Analyzing Instruments Mfrs.
39 Misc. Manufacturing Ind. Mfrs.
40 Railroad Transportation
41 Local/Suburban Transit & HWY Passenger
42 Motor Freight Transportation/Warehouse
43 United States Postal Service
44 Water Transportation
45 Transportation by Air
46 Pipelines Except Natural Gas
47 Transportation Services
48 Communications
49 Electric Gas & Sanitary Services
50 Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods
51 Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods
52 Building Materials & Hardware
53 General Merchandise Stores
54 Food Stores
55 Automotive Dealers & Service Stations
56 Apparel & Accessory Stores
57 Home Furniture & Furnishings Stores
58 Eating & Drinking Places
59 Miscellaneous Retail
60 Depository Institutions
61 Nondepository Credit Institutions
62 Sercurity & Commodity Brokers
63 Insurance Carriers
64 Insurance Agents, Brokers & Service
65 Real Estate
67 Holding & Other Investment Offices
70 Hotels, Rooming Houses & Camps
72 Personal Services
73 Business Services
75 Auto Repair Services & Parking
76 Misc. Repair Services
78 Motion Pictures
79 Amusement & Recreation Services
80 Health Services
81 Legal Services
82 Educational Services
83 Social Services
84 Museums, Art Galleries & Gardens
86 Membership Organizations
87 Engineering, Accounting & Mgmt. Services
88 Misc. Services NEC
91 Executive, Legislative and General Govt.
92 Justice, Public Order & Safety
93 Public Finance & Taxation Policy
94 Administration - Human Resource Programs
95 Admin. - Environmental Quality Programs
96 Administration of Economic Programs
97 National Security & International Affairs
99 Nonclassified Establishments
These SIC codes are only subcategories, they can be broken down further for more specific industries. Contact DML Solutions.
Business Selections
Employee Size
by location or company
1 - 4
5 - 9
10 - 19
20 - 49
50 - 99
100 - 249
250 - 499
500 - 999
1,000 - 4,999
5,000 - 9,999
Nursing Homes
Number of Beds
1 - 19
20 - 99
100 - 249
250 - 499
500 +
1 - 299
300 - 499
500 - 999
10,000 +
Sales Volume
Less than $500,000
$500,000 - $1 Million
$1 Million - $2.5 Million
$2.5 Million - $5 Million
$10 Million - $20 Million
$20 Million - $50 Million
$50 Million - $100 Million
$100 Million - $500 Million
$500 Million - $1 Billion
$1 Billion +
Number of beds
1 - 24
25 - 49
50 - 99
100 - 199
200 - 299
300 - 399
400 - 499
500 +
Ad Size
- Bold listing
- Display ad
- In-Column ad
- Regular listing
Business Status
- Branch
- Franchise
- Headquarters
- Subsidiary Headquarters
- Credit Rating
- Fax Numbers
- Female Bus Owners
- Fortune 500 Co.
- Gender
- Import/Export
- Individual/Firm
- In-Home Business
- Mfr/Retailers
- Minority Owned
- New Businesses
- Nonprofit Org.
- Office Size
- Phone Numbers
- Retail/Wholesale
- Stock Exchange
- Year Started

- Bankruptcy / Financial Hard Times
- Contributors
- Credit Card Holders
- Net Asset Value
- Net Wort
- Opportunity Seekers
- Owners of Stocks, Bonds, CD's, IRA's
- Associations
- Attorneys
- By SIC Code
- Clubs
- Corporate Travel Buyers/Depts
- Day Care Centers
- E-mail addresses
- Firemen
- Foreign Businesses
- Fortune 500 Companies
- Government Institutions
- Home Based Businesses
- Hospitals
- New Businesses
- Occupation
- Organizations
- Schools
- Seminar Prospects
- Teachers
- Contributors
- County, State, Federal Officers
- Elected Officials
- Voters
Consumer Lifestyle
- Ailments
- Automotive Information
- Brides-To-Be
- Disabilities
- Email Addresses
- Ethnic Groups
- Farmers
- Impairments
- Interests/Hobbies
- Magazine Subscribers
- Mail Order Buyers
- Military Information
- New Homeowners
- New Movers
- Occupation
- Pet Owners
- Pregnant Women
- Product Usage
- Realty Information
- Religion
- Seminar Prospects
- Sportsmen
- Students
- Vacationers
- Physicians by Specialty
- Chiropractors
- Consumer Ailments
- Contributors
- Dentists
- Healthcare Professionals
- Hospitals
- Nurses
- Pharmacists
- Psychiatrists / Psychologists
- Retirement / Nursing Homes